








Jubilee Cross Cultural (JCC) aims to serve students of color by equipping and empowering them in what it means to live out their faith through their called vocation while acknowledging their ethnic and cultural history as being a unique gift from God.

Jubilee cross cultural at jubilee 2025

Following Jesus the Way He Made Us:

God's Redemptive Plan for All Cultures


Saturday, Feb 22 @ 4 PM

Following Jesus as Creator & Redeemer of Our Ethnicities: A Discussion

A workshop in two parts, led by Gene Tibbs

  • If a pastor told you that, as a Christian, race and ethnicity doesn't matter to God, and that you have no business living, in Christ, as an African American person or, as a Chinese person or, as an Choctaw person or, as a Boricua person but only as one of Christian identity, what would you say in response? Could you respond from the standpoint of sound biblical teaching?

    We'll engage in a two-part introductory-level discussion:

    PART ONE: We'll explore what our experiences and questions are about this issue and what the Bible says. There will be our 'team of prepared respondents' made up of current and former CCO staff as well as current and former students who will help answer questions along with students in the session.

    PART TWO: As part of the JCC Dinner program, we'll hear and discuss examples from our 'team of prepared respondents' of different ethnicities, each in their respective 'ethnic table discussions', about how each of them are living faithfully in Christ at the intersection of faith and their respective ethnic identities.

Sunday, Feb 23 @ 9 AM

Brothas Gotta Heal: Why You Should Care About Your Mental Health

A workshop led by Benjamin “Doc” Powell

  • In the last 30 to 40 years, the conversation around mental health has really grown legs in this country and across the world. Still, it seems that for too long men in general, Black men in particular, have largely stayed out of the conversation. I believe it’s well past time we make space for each other, and encourage each other’s healing. 

    Do we believe God truly cares about the life of the mind, and more importantly, mental health? Can men, especially Black men, find safe spaces for discussing, addressing, and finding help for our mental and emotional health? I want to share my experience and invite other men to share theirs, in order to learn from one another about where God is involved in this area. 


Friday, Feb 21 @ 10 PM

Late Night Event African Dance Party

led by Toni Nadiyah Stowers

Come ready to immerse in African music, movement and joyful, high-energy atmosphere! Learn several traditional West African dances and then put it all together in an exhilarating dance party you'll never forget! 

Traditional African dances will relate to biblical principles: 'We are to be fisher of men'  (Harvest Dance from Guinea: Kassa); 'Be strong and of good courage'  (West African War Dance; Dundunba); 'Enter his gates with thanksgiving and praise' (West African Celebration Dance, Kuku)

Saturday, Feb 22 @ 5:30-7 PM

Jubilee Cross Cultural Dinner

Tickets are $12, pre-registration is required

Dinner Program Topic: 'PART TWO--Following Jesus as Creator and Redeemer of Our Ethnicities: Table Discussions'

This is a continuation of the part one 4pm breakout of the similar name. Whether you participated in PART ONE or not, you are welcome to join in over dinner.

Each person will select to sit in respective racial/ethnic/cultural table groupings (e.g., Asian, Latinx, African-American, Indigenous, Afro-Caribbean, Continental African, white American, bi-racial, etc.); we'll hear and discuss examples from table discussion leaders about how they're living faithfully (or, struggling, on a journey to do so) in Christ at the intersection of faith and ethnic identity. What does it look like practically to walk in Christ in their respective racial/ethnic/cultural identities?

This PART TWO discussion will be facilitated by CCO staffer Gene Tibbs, a group of other CCO staffers and a few of his students.

  • Gene Tibbs

    Gene Tibbs is a 35-year veteran CCO campus ministry field staffer, serving the University of Pittsburgh, the Community College of Allegheny County and students on several other campuses around the country at every academic level. He became a Christian at 20 years old in 1983. He is husband of 34 years, father of 5 adult children and grandfather of 2 young boys. Reverently called, 'Baba' in the Pittsburgh Afrikan-consciousness community, also referred to by his title,  Nana Kwabena Nyamekyɛ Agyɛman I, is a formally-enstooled Akan 'Nkosɔhene' or progress & modernization chief of Bonsawire of the western region of Ghana.

  • Benjamin "Doc" Powell

    Benjamin “Doc” Powell serves as campus ministry field staff, working primarily with Black male students at the University of Pittsburgh and the Community College of Allegheny County since 2023. A Christian since 2001, his faith developed leaps and bounds during his time as a college student during his time as a student leader in various CCO ministries. He feels called of God to minister to students at the intersection of Christian faith and cultural and ethnic identity.

  • Toni Nadiyah Stowers

    Toni Nadiyah Stowers is a Pittsburgh native and one of Pittsburgh's most revered choreographers and dancers (Black Nativity, Black Arts Festival, Three Rivers Arts Festival, Balafon African Dance Workshops, Black Dance Ensemble just to name a few) She has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary/Special Education and Master of Arts in Teaching Elementary/Early Childhood. Nadiyah is a member of Redeemed Christian Church of God—Nigerian church plant in Pittsburgh.