
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
— Genesis 1:31a

It often starts with a question.
“What is my purpose in this life?” or “What am I called to do?”

Have you ever asked yourself either of these questions? We have, too. But…both of those questions imply that someone is calling us. Someone is giving us purpose. 

In order to figure out what we are meant to do during our time on this blue and green marble we call Earth, we need to start with creation.

And this is where we have to talk about the Creator. 

In the beginning, God created.

God created the world and called it good. He created night and day, heavens & earth, walking & flying & swimming animals, green & luscious plants, and humans. He created humans and called them—usvery good. 

But then something really amazing happened. He invited the humans He created to join him in His work.

God invited US to be His co-creators.

So here's the punchline: this call to join God's work to tend and care for His creation IS the answer to the questions above. This is what gives us purpose. This is what we are called to do. 

At Jubilee 2023, Carmen Imes spoke to us about where WE as humans fit into God’s creation and what we are called to do. She says, “It is our privilege as humans to carry on the good work that God began in the garden, naming and creating and cultivating and making spaces in which other humans and animals and plants can flourish.”

You are being called to join God as a co-creator, tending to His creation so it may flourish.

And God's creativity is LIMITLESS when it comes to what tending looks like. It can look like...
...working in a hospital, caring for sick people.
...working in an art studio, creating pieces that move and inspire people.
...praying with other people and reminding them of their worth in Jesus.
...building new things and places for people to use and live in.
...working in an office as one part of a large body of people.
...teaching children new skills to help them grow and learn.

It's time to consider how to God wired you to specifically co-create with Him. Where will you tend to His creation?


Dr. Carmen Imes, Old Testament scholar and author, had multiple mic drop moments at Jubilee 2023 (listen for the crowd shouting "AMENNN!"). If you are wondering if you matter and why, watch this video.



— Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters
— Being God's Image: Why Creation Still Matters (release date: June 6, 2023!)
Pro-tip: You can still order (and pre-order!) from Hearts & Minds Bookstore!

Carmen's channel features playlists of lectures, interviews, sermons, and chapel messages.
— Torah Tuesday: weekly videos that dive into topics and themes found in the Old Testament. A great place to start if you want to learn more about the Old Testament

Social Media
Follow Carmen on Twitter!

You matter. You matter to us, yes. But most importantly, you matter to God. You matter to the Creator of the Universe! Be encouraged, knowing that nothing can take your worth away.

We'll see you next week to talk about the next part of the Biblical Narrative: the fall.
— The Jubilee Team



