#Livingjubilee // all editions
Jubilee is more than just a weekend. Now it’s time to #LiveJubilee.
#LivingJubilee is a movement to encourage YOU to live out your faith 24/7/365.
Follow along for encouragement and inspiration for how to bring your faith into every area of your life. (+ of course, lots of quality content from past Jubilee speakers!)
Habits | Justin Whitmel Earley
The Gospel tells us that our Creator God is sovereign over everything, and he is the ultimate good. He is love.
So why wouldn’t we want habits that point us towards that good love? As we build habits that point us towards God, we become formed and shaped by the Gospel. And that is some good stuff.
Restoration | Abe Cho
Close your eyes and imagine for a minute. What do you picture when you think about the Kingdom of God?
What do you see? Buildings, structures? How about nature…do you picture trees, waterfalls, rainbows, animals, or grass?
We walked through creation, fall, and redemption. We’ve now reached the concluding part of the four-part Biblical Narrative, and this is the part that requires some serious imagination. It requires imagination because we’ve experienced God’s restoration, but there is more to come.
Redemption | Claude Atcho
Sin entered the world, and God’s very good creation was deeply fractured.
And it still is deeply fractured.
But thankfully, the story doesn’t end with our brokenness. There is redemption.
The Fall | Ashley Anderson
So God created this beautiful thing. He created the world and everything in it. He created two people to walk the earth and tend to it. He called it good—very good.
He walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. There was closeness and there was intimacy. God was with them. With us.
And yet a decision was made.
Creation | Dr. Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt
It is a question worth asking. What were we made for?
Thankfully, we do have something we can point to in order to help us answer that question. We can look to our Creator. We read in Genesis that God created the heavens and the earth. He created the fish, the birds, the plants, the trees. He created the sky and the seas.
He created us—humans. He called us very good. He called upon us to steward His creation. He commanded us to be fruitful and multiply.
A story never fully makes sense until all of its parts are told. And we've reached the fourth and final part of the Biblical story: Restoration.
Let's recap, shall we?
We were created good. We messed it up. But there is one thing we want to make clear. After the fall is not where God's love enters the story.
God's love was ALWAYS a part of the story. Since the creation of our earth and skies, God's love has been present.
We are the ones who walked away from it. We read about Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, but we are in that story, too. We walk away from God's love in search of power and knowledge.
We were lost and dead to sin and suffering, but then God does something miraculous and literally enters the world in human form to walk among us and be crucified to buy us back.
So it all starts with us being created by the God of the universe. He called us very good.
So...what happened?
...how did we end up in these faulty bodies that experience sickness, pain, and suffering?
...how did we end up participating in systems that hurt others and rip away the Imago Dei (image of God) from them?
...how did once thriving ecosystems lose so much life?
...how did we stray so far from the God that loves us and created us?
“What is my purpose in this life?” or “What am I called to do?”
Have you ever asked yourself either of these questions? We have, too. But…both of those questions imply that someone is calling us. Someone is giving us purpose.
In order to figure out what we are meant to do during our time on this blue and green marble we call Earth, we need to start with creation.